Our fates have been sealed.
Tomorrow morning they will be revealed..

No, I'm not being poetic. It is just that when such a day comes which spells the culmination of a wonderful journey called school life, it does not seem right to be feeling normal. So we start behaving insanely, talking nonsense, surfing uselessly, always in motion!
ab mujhe hi dekh lo! Otherwise a much disclipined girl and a stickler for limiting TV watching time, I watched 3 movies in a go. I am losing control, and surprisingly, it seems normal! This overdose hints at my hidden nervousness and anxiety.
So here's my list of what to do while sitting in front of your desktop, laptop, smartphone, when awaiting results!
1) Believe. Believe. Believe.
Believe that everything will be OK. Believe in yourself. Believe in your abilities. Believe in the words you scribbled on answer sheets. Believe in what you studied the whole year. And most importantly, Believe in luck.
2) HOpe.
Hope that your marks are upto your expectations, err, I mean REALISTIC expectations! Well, I don't think I need to tell you this. Just hope that the tides are in your favour. and mine. and in the favour of other nine lakh students. Hope that whatever marks you get, the cut-offs accommodate you in a decent college of your choice.

“The road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveler than the road built in despair, even though they both lead to the same destination.” - Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Fall of Atlantis
3) Pray.
The last resort. True prayers are like e-mails to God. Although already, many mothers have already arranged for a havan, puja, or path, nevertheless pray for your own sake. Triskaidekaphobia, anyone?
4) Don't drink milk.
You don't want to throw up, out of excitement or sorrow, do you? I won't elucidate this one.
And my last words before results:
Nice read . Got my results due in a week , and i will abide by your advice , no more drinking milk now lol. keep writing :)